Friday, June 22, 2007

More on Paul Potts

I was so amazed at this Cinderella story that I was out again on You Tube watching and Googling my fat little fingers off.
Apparently Mr. Potts a car phone warehouse manager. He lives in Port Talbot, Wales with his wife. And they about $30k in debt.
In an interview he said that he was bullied as a child. Said he always felt different. His voice has always been his best friend. He said when he sings, it is the only time he feels "normal". When things are bad in life, he sings and it comforts him. I was in tears. I wasn't bullied much as a child, but my upbringing wasn't the most picture perfect on earth. The term "Mommy Dearest" fits quite well. I used to hole up in my room and sing sing sing. It was my comfort. I'm 44 and I've always felt different. I've never fit in. I am like Paul Potts in that when I'm on stage, I fit in. I'm normal. I'm "somebody".
Ok enough of my boohoo story.
Mr. Potts won $250,000 on Britain's Got Talent and has taken on a 1 million dollar recording contract. And he gets to perform for her majesty, the queen!
As stated in yesterday's post...

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